..................... ... . synaesthesia . .. .ambient vision dub . ' . by phoen.x/kosmic . . 92 bpm 8m 52s . ..... . . . . . .written april 9 '95. . ... .samples 1-4, 9-11, . . .& 16-20 from a PBS . . ... . documentary . ..... . . .... .contact: andy voss. . ... .vossa@rpi.edu usa. . . . .4127 bishop hill rd. ..... .marcellus ny 13108. .between 9.95-5.96: . . . . .rpi sharp 202a. ..... .troy ny 12180-3590. . . ..................... muffled shouts go out to: everyone who has inspired me and given me support over the years. Thank you. syn.aes.the.sia (sin'is thee'zhuh,-zee uh) n. a sensation produced in one modality, as when the hearing of a certain sound induces the visualization of a certain color. . PutInst 2.1 .